Consulting for Sports marketing,
Sponsoring and Management
After 39 Years in International Sports Marketing – Good Bye!

Here we go. After 39 years in international sports marketing, I feel it’s time to go.
Started at IMG on 1 December 1985. At first a table at Rot-Weiß Berlin, then London, Munich, Hamburg. Biggest Tennis promoter in Germany with Hamburg, Berlin, and the ATP Tour World Championship in Frankfurt. In the end heading the IMG Germany office with a team of 18. Good-bye after ten years. Back to Berlin, setting up my own office and starting on 2 October 1995. ALBA BERLIN Basketball, Berlin Marathon, ISTAF Berlin, Basketball in Weißenfels and Braunschweig, Boris Becker, ATP Tour, Golf with Caro Masson, Tennis with Daniel Masur, Sky and more.
Tennis with hundred thousand visitors in Hamburg, nearly fifty thousand in Berlin, 12 million on SAT.1 TV when I brought Boris my birthday cake to the court at the ATP Finals in Frankfurt. Tennis showed all other sports in Germany what was possible. Standards were set that are still alive today. The original 80s and 90s, two more decades after then. Memories come up. I was lucky to be part of this.
I would like to thank my two assistants at IMG, Heike Siegle in London and Munich and Svea Feldstein in Hamburg, and my two assistants after that in my own office in Berlin, Katrin Pusch and Sabine Hergaß. Matthias Richert at Matric Computer for IT and telecommunication for 30 years, Reinhold Gross and Unternehmenshomepage for this website, Dr Hey for legal advice and exciting conversations beyond this business for more than 35 years. And I thank all unmentioned in my teams, at sponsors and events, in media and sport.
But – most of all – I thank my wife. Without her nothing would have been possible.
All the best for the future.
Peter Henke